Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Journal 1

    DODGEBALL!!! I am extremely delighted by the fact that the dodgeball tournaments begin next week. I am on the team Pigs Will Fly, and last night we had our first pre-season practice. I expect us to kick butt.

    This winter I have decided not to cross country ski and will be running indoor track instead. Practices so far have consisted of weightlifting and running. Weightlifting has so far proven to be somewhat difficult. I'm not yet used to the free weights or the wandering eyes of the football payers. I feel awkward as I struggle to adjust the weights to less than half of what the boys are doing. Not only is it a tad awkward, but lifting weights has also proven to be very painful. (I'm still sore from lifts I did last week) I'm glad that there are more people on the indoor track team than usual: Aspen Hemingway, George Case, Beau Green, and Kreymer Aurand. We have three or four meets coming up.

    Tonight I have a cross country banquet and I also have to harvest my pineapples on Farmville. I can't wait to harvest them because I will earn enough coin to purchase a size 18x18 farm. As of right now my

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why the rest of my post was cut off, and I can't remember what I said. BUT! I know have an 18x18 farm and I need to plant new crops. :D
